Ho Ho Ho! Track Santa around the world with Santa Tracker After 23 days of preparation, the elves are finally ready for Santa’s annual journey around the globe. They’ve taught each other how to say ... Read more...
New numbers and a new look for our Transparency Report We launched the Transparency Report in 2010 to show how laws and policies affect access to information online, including law enforcement o... Read more...
Life in the fast lane: lane guidance for drivers in Google Maps Over the holiday season, if you’re driving back home to see family, or meeting up with friends, you can get where you want to go quickly and... Read more...
An update on Google News in Spain After 9/11, one of our engineers, Krishna Bharat, realized that results for the query “World Trade Center” returned nothing about the terror... Read more...
Bringing the museum to your mobile Enter the Museum of Arts et Métiers in Paris and one of the first things on view is a strange looking plane perched over a historic stairca... Read more...
Competition drives Europe's mobile market IBM launched the first smartphone only 20 years ago. Nicknamed Simon, it weighed more than a half a kilo, cost more than EUR1400 in today’s... Read more...
Blasting off from a LaunchPad in Barcelona Barcelona is already known for its sunshine and seashore. Now, according to the Financial Times , it aims to become just as well known for i... Read more...
Apply for a computer science award High schools need to increase their computer science offerings and we’re eager to support. Starting today, applications are now being accept... Read more...
Bringing a fresh digital vision from “New Europe” to Brussels While Old Europe ponders its approach to the digital future, New Europe is rushing ahead to embrace the web as a motor for growth and prospe... Read more...
Coding for democracy in Europe It was an audacious task - write software that would increase democratic participation in Europe. At a time when polls show increasing publi... Read more...
Bringing a key moment of Gulf history online Our Paris-based Cultural Institute holds a global mandate to promoting culture around the globe. This week, it is reaching out to the Arab ... Read more...