Talking Moonshots at the London Design Festival London has long been considered a global centre for design and innovation. Google UK partnered with the London Design Festival , a ten day e... Read more...
Celebrating startups with the new Google for Entrepreneurs Cross-posted from the Official Google Blog Startups and entrepreneurs have the power to build technologies and creative solutions that trans... Read more...
Democratising high speed Internet access in Senegal A decade ago, Senegal was one of the most promising African countries in adopting the Internet, with more than double the Internet penetrati... Read more...
European Commission President Barroso speaks out An Irish homeowner asked what could be done to help him deal with his unsustainable mortgage. “What’s next for my country?” wondered a Greek... Read more...
Hanging out for Jewish-Arab dialogue in Israel Cross-posted from the Official Google Blog Despite the fact that Israeli Arab and Jewish youth live in the same country and even study at th... Read more...
Stepping up on free expression in Germany Until now, the German Foreign Ministry had sponsored one main conference on the Internet - focusing on cybersecurity. Last week, it held a ... Read more...
Snakes, crocodiles - and the Internet in Africa Where can you watch intelligent discussion about the Internet mixed with performance poetry and the best in book writing alongside snakes an... Read more...
Boosting startups in Eastern Europe There’s a deep pool of entrepreneurial talent in Eastern Europe and we're keen to support it. That's why Google has launched a partn... Read more...
Highlighting Ukraine’s contributions to computing Computer history is full of stories of intellectual feats and technological leaps. Yet many of Europe’s most fascinating chapters are littl... Read more...
An update on our carbon footprint and sustainability efforts Cross-posted from the Google Green Blog Last year we published Google’s 2010 carbon footprint data for the first time on our Google Green... Read more...
Does your business shine online? If you are a butcher, sweet shop, clog seller, or baby clothes retailer - or any other small business - that has moved online, enter the eur... Read more...
For Sale: Alan Turing’s Monopoly Alan Turing is one of technology’s heroes — a mathematician and codebreaker who laid the foundation for today’s computing age. In June, w... Read more...
Ask President Barroso your question on the State of the Union How will Europe get out of the economic crisis? Will the European Union - and its currency - remain intact? What’s the plan to get young pe... Read more...
Embracing Internet Freedom in Africa Update: Nairobi Freedom Online videos are now online . Internet Freedom is not just a concern just for the West - it’s an essential issue fo... Read more...